Yes, Janet Evanovich is Stephanie Evanovich's aunt.
Stephanie Evanovich is not related to Janet Evanovich. Janet Evanovich is an American writer born on April 22, 1943 in South iver, New Jersey. Stephanie Evanovich is also an American author originally from Asbury Park, New Jersey. They are related, Janet is Stephanie's aunt.
Janet Evanovich was born on April 22, 1943.
Janet Evanovich was born on April 22, 1943.
she was born in London
Janet evanovich
Check her website.
Janet Evanovich is 74 years old (birthdate: April 22, 1943).
American writer, Janet Evanovich, was born on April 22, 1943. She is the author of books such as "Hero at Large", "One for the Money", "Eleven on Top" and "Hot Six".
JK Rowling, Janet Evanovich, Sherri Tepper, Jacqueline Wilson, and Laurel K Hamilton are female authors. Some other famous authors are James Patterson, Stephen King, Dean Koontz and R.L. Stine.Famous dead authors are Ernest Hemingway, William Faulkner, Mark Twain, Edgar Allan Poe, Washington Irving, H.G. Wells, Agatha Christie, William Shakespeare, Roald Dahl, and Zane Gray.
Janet Evanovich.