The content is affected by the journalist's personal feeling
The religious experiences/feelings one experiences themself.
An instructor's teaching style is influenced by a combination of their personal teaching philosophy, past experiences as a student or teacher, and training in educational methods. However, their personal teaching philosophy tends to have the strongest effect on how they approach teaching and interact with students.
It means the experiences of that person
private experiences
Some personal qualities of teachers in New Zealand are as follows:Being kind.Helping your class to succeed.Passion for teaching.Love of children.Love of the subject/subjects they teachWork ethicOrganizationCollaborative classroom setting
Attitudes about bilingual education are most affected by cultural beliefs, societal norms, political ideologies, and personal experiences. These factors can shape individuals' views on the value and effectiveness of bilingual education programs.
Job requirements refers to the educational qualification, experiences, licences, and other personal characteristics an individual needs to perform the job content. Answered by Shamanul Akhtar Referred by Tapas Ranjan Sir (ISM) Patna
Changes can range from personal growth and development to shifts in circumstances or perspectives. Embracing change can lead to new opportunities, challenges, and experiences that contribute to personal and professional growth. Adapting to change often requires flexibility, open-mindedness, and resilience to navigate transitions successfully.
Personal causation refers to the individual's perceived ability to have an impact on their own outcomes and experiences. It is the belief that one's actions, choices, and efforts can directly influence the results they achieve in their life. This concept is based on the idea that individuals have some level of control and responsibility over their own circumstances.