Enid Blyton died of dementia in 1968 she had 2 children named Imogen and Gillian.
She married Hugh Pollock in 1924 she then divorced him in 1941 to then marry Kenneth Waters in the same year.
Enid Blyton died in November 1968.
the same time as Enid Blyton died
Eventually yes but Enid Blyton divorced him prior to this.
there is no record of what was the reason for death but Enid Blyton divorced him prior to his death
Enid Blyton's full name is Enid Mary Blyton.
Enid Blyton's birth name is Enid Mary Blyton.
Enid Blyton was born on August 11, 1897 and died on November 28, 1968. Enid Blyton would have been 71 years old at the time of death or 117 years old today.
sadly she did
Enid Blyton.
Enid Blyton had 2 daughters
Enid Blyton divorced Hugh Pollock in 1942.
Enid Blyton was born on August 11, 1897.