Yes, at first Pip felt threatened by the convict Magwitch because he was aggressive and demanded food and a file to escape. However, their relationship evolves over the course of the story as Pip becomes more sympathetic towards Magwitch.
Pip lied about having helped Magwitch because the convict threatened him and his family.
Pip was overwhelmed and had a funny feeling
Early the next morning
Pip felt grateful and touched by the convict protecting him, as it showed a sense of humanity and kindness despite the convict's rough exterior. It also made Pip question his previous assumptions about the convict's character.
The man Pip first met on his way to the Battery was a mysterious convict who threatened Pip into stealing food and a file to help remove his leg iron. The convict also claimed to have a secret benefactor who would severely punish Pip if he did not assist him.
Pip the convict asked Pip to bring him a file and some wittles (food).
convict asked pip to bring file and some food pip obeyed because convict said that if he will not obey his order he will cut his throat and roast it
Pip first encounters the convict when he is visiting the churchyard at his parents grave. The convict had escaped from the prison ship and needed food. He saw pip and threatened to cut his heart and liver out, so pip followed his orders and stole a pie from the pantry, and a file from joe's shop and gave them to the convict the next morning.
After finding out that the convict lied about stealing from him, Pip feels conflicted. He is relieved that he wasn't actually responsible for what happened, but also guilty for the harsh judgment he passed on the convict. This realization makes him reflect on his own actions and treatment of others.
Pip encountered the convict in a windswept graveyard near the marshes in Charles Dickens' novel "Great Expectations." The convict accosted Pip and demanded food and a file to remove his leg iron. Pip, feeling both fear and compassion, fulfilled the convict's requests.
that is because when the sergeant asks, the first convict says that he stole the food from Pip, so that Pip wont get into trouble.
Pip's benefactor in "Great Expectations" is revealed to be Abel Magwitch, the convict whom Pip helped as a young boy. Magwitch accumulated his wealth in Australia and wanted to use it to repay Pip's kindness toward him.