According to Robert Walker, author of over 50 books, the answer is yes.
It was rumored that Tom Clancy worked with co-writers on some of his later novels, but it was never confirmed by him. After his passing in 2013, some of the books released under his name have listed co-authors.
45 games use Tom Clancy's name.The Hunt for Red October (1987)Red Storm Rising (1988)The Hunt for Red October (1990) (relaunched for Nintendo Systems)SSN (1996) (1998)Shadow Watch (2000)The Sum of All Fears (2002)Rainbow Six series (16)Ghost Recon series (10)Splinter Cell series (6)EndWar series (2)H.A.W.X series (2)Board Games (3)
Yes, Eminem writes his own rap songs. He doesn't use ghost writers.
Yea u cn as in the book it has voice command and if u do a gve a headset u cn use it
Justin Clancy has written: 'Assessing and adapting CORE for use in a telecommunications business'
Larry Lamb has no plans to return to EastEnders so it's unlikely the script writers would use a ghost.
shady plot is about a writer who writes about ghost stories. once he sits down to write a ghost story when a ghost comes . the ghost is part of writers inspiration beareau and they inspire aithors to write. the ghost tells the writer that they are on a strike because of constant use ouija bords(boards thru wich u acn communicate with ghosts) the ghost also requests the writer to stop using the board later the writers wife bringa ouija board , and hosts a ouija bord party . the writer is forced to use the board by his wife. THE WRITER and louissa communicate with a ghost called helen who calls him a traitor.this makes everyone think that he has cheated on his wife and this even results in bringing divorce papers. later the wife encounters the ghost and isnot surprised and finds out what happened. at the last we figure out the ghost is helen of new york
Writers work hard then writers play hard.
Prose writers cannot use adjectives and adverbs to prettify their work.
Filipino writers are people - they use the language that they hear around them every day.
She has three children, Christopher, Tom, and Lucy and three grandchildren. Natalie Babbitt likes words. "Words are the tools that writers use, just like paint is the tool that artists use."
writers use similies
Though writers use the plot mountain as guideline, they sometimes stray from it as they write.