The name of the Aboringinal in cloudstreet is known as the "black angel" but no names are ever mentioned.
The New Ghostwriter Mysteries was created in 1997.
The duration of Ghostwriter - TV series - is 1800.0 seconds.
The duration of The New Ghostwriter Mysteries is 1800.0 seconds.
Ghostwriter - 2011 was released on: USA: March 2011
Ghostwriter - TV series - was created on 1992-10-03.
Ghostwriter - TV series - ended on 1995-02-13.
i dont think the books ever mentioned her birth parrents. But the Cullens parrents are Carlisle and Esme.
Their names are not mentioned in The Bible
The cast of Ghostwriter - 1995 includes: Kerry Duff as JoJo
They are 99 names or attributes mentioned for God in Quran.
None of the Volturi are ever mentioned having full names in the books, but I read somewhere that their last name could possibly be Volturi.