You might find a buyer on Ebay.
They donated the collection to the Naples Museum upon retiring. They tried to find a buyer in the LA area, but did not have any luck.
Find a buyer on Another Country and then ship to them.
It depends on the buyer. It also depends on how much memory is on each of the ipods. If I were u I would look up what they are each going for now then add it up. Then find a buyer. Because I do not know the memory of the ipods I cannot say for sure.
There are a few rare stores that do sell packs of wands, you usually find these on eBay and they are usually being sold as a bulk collection to reduce the price in order for the buyer to sell them at a higher price.
If you can find a buyer, yes.
You can find debt collection software where you can find debtors information and prior collection notices at Another good site is
Yes if you can find a buyer
by hardwork,,,,,,
yes you can find them any where in the world
Try to help her find a BUYER for the car before it gets repoed. If the payoff is $5000.oo and your buyer will only pay $4200.00, find the $800.00 needed to pay it off and you're both home free. great credit(mostly) and NO collection hassles. good Luck