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Anne Frank became well known because after WWII, Mr. Frank published Anne's diary she kept while in the Secret Annex. It soon became a world best seller, so she became very well known.

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Anne Frank became famous because of the diary she kept while hiding from the Nazis during World War II. Her diary, which details her thoughts, emotions, and experiences while in hiding, was later published and has been translated into numerous languages, becoming a widely read and studied account of the Holocaust. Anne's story has inspired people around the world and serves as a reminder of the horrors of war and the importance of standing up against injustice.

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she had died about 10 years before her diary got published, she died at the age of 15

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Q: How did anne frank became so famous?
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What is the name of the Jewish girl whose diary became so famous?

Anne Frank.

Why is Anne diary so widely read and love?

It is so famous because it is written by Anne Frank. It talks about all of her experiences hiding and it is not fake

How did Anne Frank become famous?

Anne Frank is a kid who lived in the Secret Annex because of theNazi's were taking Jews to concentration camps to murder them so many Jews went into hiding. Durining the time she was living in the Secret Annex she kept a diary and wrote almost every day. So she basically wrote what is was like to be living in hiding.

Is otto married to Anne Frank?

Otto was Anne Frank's father. So of course they were NOTmarried.

Can you show me one statement why Anne Frank is so famous?

she kept a diary about a Jew's life in WW2 and she was put into a concentration camp

Why is Anne Frank the most famous child who died in the Holocaust when many other kids died of the same thing?

Anne Frank is the most famous because during the war and her struggles, she kept a diary that was later found. it was very intriguing and so it has been published as i book which i have read myself

Why is Anne Frank so well know?

Anne Frank is probably best known by her diary, which was published in 1955 under the title, "Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl".

Why does nature represent what Anne Frank so desires?

It represents what Anne Frank so desires because the natural world reminded her of freedom.

How do you know so much about Anne Frank and her family?

We know so much about Anne Frank and her family because of her was a primary source.

Did Anne Frank and her mother become close before they died?

i think they became a tinch closer because edith frank (annes frank mother)was going to be transported because she didnt have scabes like anne did or her sister (margot frank)so when they were getting in the truck she yelled that she is staying with her daughter and anne looked at her mother with tears coming out of her eyes and though she was brave for saying that and then her mother looked at her and anne smiled and her mother smiled back

Who was Anne Frank's hero?

Anne Franks Hero was her dad, Otto Frank. She looked up to him in so many ways.

What happend to Anne Franks sister?

She died by a sickness so did Anne Frank.