Frank Morris, famously known for being one of the escapees from Alcatraz prison in 1962, was officially listed as missing and presumed drowned following the escape. Despite an extensive search, his body was never found, leaving his fate uncertain. Morris is believed to have drowned in the cold and treacherous waters surrounding Alcatraz Island.
Frank Lee Morris's birth name is Frank Lee Morris.
Frank Lee Morris was born on September 1, 1926, in Washington, District of Columbia, USA.
Frank Lee Morris is 5' 7 1/2".
Frank Lee Morris went by Tablespoon Trio.
yes,he had 3 kids joahn marie morris,kendrick ethan morris,jacob anthony morris
William Morris was 62 when he died.
Morris Barry died in 2000.
A) Morris Frank
I believe it was Robbery
He robbed a bank
he ate a poo and pooed on the president
Leslie Frank Morris has written: 'A history of St. Dunstan's College' -- subject(s): History, St. Dunstan's College