People can get mental or physical disabilities through a variety of factors, including genetics, illness, injury, or environmental factors. Mental disabilities can also be caused by brain injury or chemical imbalances, while physical disabilities can result from accidents, developmental issues, or aging. Early intervention and appropriate support can help individuals manage and cope with their disabilities.
Some have physical and mental disabilities.
Athletes, or Paralympians, in the same way that athletes in the Olympics are called Olympians.
Students, and people with mental and physical disabilities
With mental disabilities, yes. With physical disabilities, it depends. They certainly wouldn't have any trouble being excused if they wished to be, though I'm refering to the traditional "physical disabilities", not the ones that count nowadays for SSI. Obviously if the disability was such that they could not hear or see the evidence, they'd be excused.
disabilities are not confined to these physical situations; they can be mental as well
Stefan Anderssohn has written: '\\' -- subject(s): Religious education of people with mental disabilities, Religious life, Church work with people with mental disabilities, People with mental disabilities
Tabitha Orth has written: 'Visual Recipes' -- subject(s): Cookery, Cookery for people with disabilities, Cookery for people with mental disabilities, Cooking for people with disabilities, Cooking, Cooking for people with mental disabilities
Americans with Disabilities Act
The Americans with Disabilities act
No, he was not born with any physical or mental disabilities.
Burton Blatt has written: 'In and out of mental retardation' -- subject(s): Collected works, Education, Education of mentally retarded, Government policy, Mental retardation, People with mental disabilities 'In and out of books' -- subject(s): Book reviews, Children with mental disabilities, People with mental disabilities, Special education 'Souls in extremis' -- subject(s): Care, Inmates of institutions, Mental retardation facilities, People with mental disabilities 'The intellectually disfranchised, impoverished learners and their teachers' -- subject(s): Children with mental disabilities, Education, Teachers of children with mental disabilities 'Selected media reviews: Exceptional children, 1970-1973' -- subject(s): Abstracts, Special education 'The intellectually disfranchised' -- subject(s): Children with mental disabilities, Education, Teachers of mentally handicapped children 'A plan for reformation of services for the mentally retarded in Massachusetts' -- subject(s): Care, People with mental disabilities 'The conquest of mental retardation' -- subject(s): Mental retardation 'Christmas in purgatory' -- subject(s): Care, People with mental disabilities