Well, if someone is always happy you could use a simile and say she as bright as a summers day. or something like that.
You can describe someone by highlighting their strengths, such as being kind, talented, hardworking, or compassionate. You can also mention specific examples of their positive actions or characteristics that make them stand out. Ultimately, recognizing and appreciating the good qualities in others can help build positive relationships and create a supportive community.
with impunity
Describe a alguien importante en tu vida.
A person will need to describe a situation within their own experiences to answer this question. Someone will not be able to know how someone else has performed this task.
Discretionary is a word used to describe the quality of behaving in a way that causes offense to someone else. It also can describe when someone reveals private information about someone else.
Positive aspects is to device/tell some stories to your friends classmates and many others!
To make this guy jealous, of course.
Sophya Smith has written: 'Who we are and why we might want to be someone else' -- subject(s): Religious aspects of Happiness, Spirituality, Religious Psychology, Religious aspects, Happiness
Because memory is reconstructive, it is subject to canfabulation--confusing an event that happened to someone else with one that happened to you.
Yes, but they can give the HIV onto someone else, and they could get AIDs too.
only if you take someone else's pee that is pregnant then yes but other wise no.
No, after the Revolutionary War. I'm sure someone else will describe further.