It is pronounced ANN-x. That is the English word for it, in Dutch it was called the "achterhuis", the "back house". That is pronounced OK-terr-hois.
The expression secret annexe was created for the English translation of her diary.
The "secret annexe" was broken into by the Gestapo, hitlers not-so-secret secret police
They turned the secret annexe into the Anne Frank House in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
In the US, annex is both the verb and noun form (to add, or an addition).In the UK, the noun is usually spelled "annexe."
whenever there was a meal someone tapped 3 times and they would go to the place in the annexe where they ate and were seved breckfast lunch or dinner
he took the family to the secret annexe
Yes, an annexe can be sold just like any other property. It is important to ensure that any legal requirements and permissions are in place before selling an annexe, as it may have different regulations compared to a traditional house. It's advisable to consult with a real estate agent or legal professional for guidance on the sale process.
Above Mr.Franks office were he used to work/own
The cast of Angels in the Annexe - 1984 includes: Gilly Coman Jacquie Crago as Mrs. Elliott Lesley Manville Alfred Molina as Mike Brittain
The address of the Annexe was 263 Prinsengracht, Amsterdam,
The leader was Otto Frank. He was in charge of making every decision.