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she her new home beautiful even though it may be dirty at first and a little small but that didn't matter as long as they were safe and away from the nazi soldiers.

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4mo ago

Anne Frank initially feels conflicted about her new home in the secret annex. She is grateful for the safety it provides her family, but she struggles with feeling isolated and confined. Overall, she sees it as a place of refuge but also a source of frustration.

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she hung out with peter and wrote in her diary.

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12y ago

Anne loves her father because he is modest kind and honest.

however, she doesn't like her mother as much because they see different situations very differently

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Q: How does Anne Frank see her new home in the secret annex?
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What did Anne Frank call her new home?

she called it the "Secret Annex"

Where was Anne Franks annex?

Anne Frank's annex was located in Amsterdam, Netherlands, at Prinsengracht 263. It is part of the Anne Frank House museum.

What does anne frank do to make the annex feel like home?

She makes curtain an decorate the annex

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what is Anne franks address? The address is: Prinsengracht 263 - 267 Amsterdam She lived hidden in a secret annex in the house at this address, that is a museum now.

What is the setting to the diary of Anne Frank?

Hi! The setting to her diary is the annex, and I think her home.

How did anne see her new home?

Anne saw her new home, the secret annex, as a place of confinement initially. She expressed feelings of frustration and confinement due to the close quarters and lack of freedom. Over time, she found solace in writing and personal growth within the annex.

Who was the only occpant of the annex to survive concentration camps?

Anne Frank's father, Otto Frank, was the only person living in the annex to survive the war. All the others died in the concentration camps. When Otto Frank returned home, Miep Gies, the woman who hid them and found Anne Frank's diary, gave them to the father. After that, Otto Frank published his daughter's diary to let the world know what Anne had to say and raise awareness about the horrors the Jewish people had to face.

What product was made in anne frank factory?

Anne Frank's father, Otto Frank, owned a company called Opekta, which produced pectin, a substance used in making jam. The factory also produced and sold spices and herbs. Anne Frank and her family hid in a secret annex above the factory during World War II.

What happened to Anne Franks cats when they were hiding?

Anne's cat was named Moortje. However, Moortje did not go into hiding with the family. The Franks had to make it look like they left their home quickly, so the cat had to be left behind. The cats that Anne Frank mentions in her Diary: her own cat, Moortje, which she had to leave with a family friend when the Frank family went into hiding; Mouschi, Peter's cat who lived in the secret Annex with Anne.

Who is moortje in the book anne frank?

Moortje is the nickname Anne Frank gave to her black-and-white cat. Moortje was a cherished pet in the Secret Annex where Anne and her family hid during World War II. Anne wrote about Moortje in her diary entries, describing him as a source of comfort during their time in hiding.

What did anne frank mom work at?

Anne Frank's mother, Edith Frank, worked as a homemaker before her family went into hiding during World War II. She took care of the household and her family while they were in hiding in the Secret Annex.

How did Anne Franks father live?

Anne Frank's father, Otto Frank, survived the Holocaust by hiding with his family in a secret annex in Amsterdam for over two years. After the war, he was the only member of his immediate family to survive and dedicated his life to sharing Anne's diary and advocating for Holocaust education and remembrance.