If you show disrespect to others, they won't show respect to you.
When you dislike someone you don't show feelings for them. When you disrespect someone you don't show care for them.
Scientists, children, Margot, William, The teacher, and Margot's parents.
June (the Mother) and the other June
Want of respect or reverence; disesteem; incivility; discourtesy., To show disrespect to.
to show scorn or disrespect
You burn his grave
William is a boy in the short story "All Summer in a Day" by Ray Bradbury. He is one of Margot's classmates who feels guilty for joining in the bullying of Margot and betraying her during her moment of despair.
The climax of the story was when the little girl named Margot got locked in a closet . A little boy named William torments Margot for being a quiet outcast. So William convinced the class to lock Margot in the closet . They ignored her cries and beating on the door , begging to be let out.
The word "disrespect" can function as both a noun and a verb. As a noun, it refers to a lack of respect or admiration for someone or something. As a verb, it means to show lack of respect.
swearing talking down to people