Both the Maccabees' fight for independence and the Annex inhabitants' fight for survival were driven by a desire to persevere in the face of oppression. However, the Maccabees engaged in armed resistance against their oppressors, while the Annex inhabitants relied on hiding and maintaining secrecy to evade capture. Additionally, the Maccabees' struggle was against a larger political power (the Seleucid Empire), while the Annex inhabitants faced persecution by the Nazis during World War II.
Compare and contrast it with what?
1. Compare 2. Contrast
compare is when you compare two things that are the same and contrast is when you compare two things that are different.
Many times people that live in houses own them. This helps them build their net worth. With an apartment, the inhabitants are simply paying rent.
compare and contrast the lakes,wetland and rivers?
compare and contrast between triangles and a trapezoid
compare and contrast of paradise book 1 and book9
The answer depends on what you wish to compare and contrast it with.
compare & contrast the similarities & differences of a relation & function
compare - contrast words:by the same tokenconverselyinsteadlikewiseon one handon the other handon the contraryrathersimilarlyyetbuthoweverstillneverthelessin contrast
compare and contrast nmirian and clare in sons and lovers