The dream of every member of the Younger family in "A Raisin in the Sun" revolves around achieving a better life. While they all desire financial freedom and a brighter future, they differ in their specific goals and motivations. For example, Walter wants to invest in a business and improve the family's financial status, Beneatha aspires to become a doctor and defy societal expectations, and Mama dreams of owning a house where her family can thrive. Ultimately, their dreams align in their pursuit of upward mobility and a better life for themselves and future generations.
a younger brother
The baby will most likely have problems. Whatever you do...DON'T IN PREGNANT ANOTHER FAMILY MEMBER!
No, Justin has a younger brother . :)
Can a family member buy a short sale property from a family member
Emmeline Grangerford was the younger member of the Grangerford family who had died years earlier. Her death is memorialized in a poem written by her brother, and the family keeps her room exactly as she left it.
well if an older family member changes something in their life, that's a big step for them so they might take it out on another member causing tension in the family, or if a younger member has a problem and they talk it out with family, there might be a kindness, or, dare I say it a CAREFULNESS in the family system. many things can cause a change in the family, even a slight thing like you going out on your own for the first time.
No, her younger sister Jamie-Lynn is an actress and singer.
they bring you to either a group home or to another family member. Once you get taken away from a family member by CPS, then you cant go back even if you got taken away by another family member.