A pioneer baker would typically be paid by pioneers through various methods such as bartering for goods or services, receiving payment in the form of currency or trade items, or providing baking services in exchange for food, shelter, or other necessities. Payment would depend on the agreement made between the baker and the pioneers.
I think they got paid either half a penny a day if they were a baker or three pence a day if they were a good baker. There is a link below to a site with prices and wages.
Pioneers Who Got Scalped was created in 2000.
At school teachers used to get 1 or 2 dollars paid per day.Teachers used have cupboard to keep food or naughty children.teachers used to live at children's houses because they got paid 1 or 2 dollars.Childrens didn't used to have notebooks like we do today, they had small sleight boards.If the child forgot there homework the teacher would hit their hand with a stick.Go to "pioneer village " one day to find out more about pioneers. By,Shubhi
344567 miles the pioneers name was johanne rochitt and when she got to Missouri she was treated with a traditional beer drinking contest from the villagers
Pioneers got dysentery from dirty water and food. When they digested the bacteria, they got very sick and got dysentery.
water that they got from rivers and streams
The Pioneer probes has messages for aliens
Dilke got its name by a famous pioneer, that got murdered because of his rightenous
It got its name in Washington
they got paid gold for the jobs that they did the silversmiths got paid the most
The pioneers found that it was just open land and that it would be good for farming, and for starting a new life/villiage in the west.They also found little gold.
because kids got bored