As long as you keep your hang-out sessions purely platonic there's nothing wrong with it.
ears hang low origins
Chain Hang Low was created on 2006-06-20.
The duration of The Man They Could Not Hang is 1.07 hours.
The duration of The Last Man to Hang? is 1.25 hours.
The Man They Could Not Hang was created on 1939-08-19.
It varies from person to person. So long as it's not empty don't worry.
does your chain hang low by young jibbs
The chorus for 'Chain Hang Low' by Jibbs is: Do your chain hang low, do it wobble to the flo' Do it shine in the light, is it platinum, is it gold? Do ya throw it over ya shoulda, if it hot, it make ya cold, Do your chain hang low. You can get the full lyrics to this song online at the A-ZLyrics website.
do your ears hang low do they wobble to and frow can u tie them in a knot can u tie them in a bow can u throw'em over your shoulders like a continentil soldior do your ears hang low!
No. of coure not.
Sperm production is better in temperatures lower than body temperature hence they hang low. When it is too cold outside the dartos muscles pull the testis closer to the body to get warmth from the body thus maintaining optimum temperature conducive for spermatogenesis.