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r.l stine has a son named mathew stine

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9mo ago

R.L. Stine, author of the Goosebumps series, has one son named Matthew.

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RL Stine is a children's Goosebumbs author. He did not do such a thing. Check facts before spreading rumors.

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RL Stine's mother's name was Anne Feinstein.

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he has one

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R.L. Stine, the author of the "Goosebumps" series, has a brother named Bill.

How many brothers does RL Stine have?

He doesn't have any

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RL Stine drives a Tesla Model S.

Did rl stine have many friends?

he did have many friends. but i can't name them

How many awards have rl stine have?

I Dont know how many awards he has

What was RL Stine's father's name?

Deven Stine

Did rl stine have sisters?

RL sine had no Sisters

Does RL Stine illustrate?

RL Stine is primarily known as an author, although he has occasionally illustrated his own work. However, his main focus has been on writing, particularly horror and thriller books for children and young adults.