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During World War II, A.A. Milne and his wife opened their home, Cotchford Farm, to around 60 child evacuees from London. These children had been sent to the countryside for safety during the bombings of London.

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Q: How many evacuees stayed with AA Milne at cotchford farm?
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What was AA Milne's cause of death?

Alexander A. Milne died of a stroke at his country home, Cotchford Farm, in Hartfield of Essex County, England.

Where is Alan Alexander milne estate located?

The Alan Alexander Milne estate is located in Sussex, England. It includes Cotchford Farm, the former home of A.A. Milne, where he wrote the Winnie-the-Pooh books.

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In the movie "The Evacuees", Alan Miles performs many duties at the house he stays at. These include performing farm work and cooking meals.

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The setting was in the 100 acre woods...where they all lived.

What did evacuees do in their spare time?

The evacuees were primarily sent to farms and country villages. They had to learn to do farm chores and how to play safely in the country.

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Luc Milne is the author of several works in the fantasy genre, including "The Stormcaller" series and "The Broken Throne" series. His books often feature epic adventures, intricate world-building, and complex characters.

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What duties did Alan perform at the house he stayed at in the countryside?

he worked on the farm and helped out around the house and did everything he was told

What did people in the countryside think about evacuees world war 2?

Towns, farms and villages whose distruction had no strategic advantage to the enemy and were therefore less likely to be attacked.

What sort of jobs did women have in the 1500s?

Women usually took care of kids and stayed home. They could also farm, and be a spinner.

Who stayed behind on the farm in the book to kill a mockingbird?

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