Walt Whitman was 4 years old when his family moved to Brooklyn in 1823.
The address of the Walt Whitman is: 93 St. Edwards St., Brooklyn, 11205 2940
The phone number of the Walt Whitman is: 718-935-0244.
Brooklyn, New York
he showed no interest in supporting his family throughout his life.
"Leaves of Grass" by Walt Whitman was first published in Brooklyn, New York in 1855. It was self-published by Whitman.
Walt Whitman mostly lived in New York City and Brooklyn throughout his life. He resided in various locations in these areas, including both Manhattan and Brooklyn, where he wrote and published much of his poetry.
In Long Island, for the Long Island Star, The Long Islander, Long Island Democrat.In New York City, for New World, Aurora, The Brooklyn Eagle.
Walt Whitman was born on May 31, 1819.
no Walt Whitman had 9 siblings
Walt Whitman is a/an Poet,essayist,journalist
Walt Whitman grew up very poor, and his family moved from home to home. He considered his childhood an unhappy one. He was finished with school by the age of 11, and he went to work at a newspaper. He learned about typesetting, mixing ink, and did a small bit of writing.