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miep ( the lady who took the franks in) found her diary just after the betraying

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11mo ago

Anne Frank's diary was found after the end of World War II by Miep Gies, one of the people who had helped hide the Frank family in their attic during the Nazi occupation of the Netherlands. Miep Gies collected Anne's diary pages and kept them safe, hoping to one day return it to her.

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15y ago

Anne franks diary was found by her farther and former annexe partner bep

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What country was Anne franks diary found?


Who stole anne franks diary?

no one did miep (the person who took the franks in) found it just after the beytrail

How did they find Anne Franks Diary?

the lady that was hiding anne found it and was going to give it to anne when she got out of the concentration camp but when she found out she was dead she gave it to annes father

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How did Anne Franks diary get to her father?

Anne Frank's diary was left behind in the secret annex where her family hid during World War II. After the war, Miep Gies, a friend of the Franks who helped hide them, found the diary and gave it to Anne's father, Otto Frank, the only member of the family who survived the Holocaust.

What did the franks do when Anne Frank was born?

Anne Frank was born in 1929 on the 12th of June. They raised her but as they did they always found ways to spoil Anne... Anne mentions that in her diary

Did Anne Franks mom survive the war?

No, unfortunatly not but Anne franks dad, Otto, did he published annes diary.

The diary of anne frank Who found the diary an gave it to otto?

Miep Gies, one of the helpers who hid the Franks during World War II, found Anne Frank's diary and gave it to Otto Frank, Anne's father, after the family was discovered and taken into custody by the Nazis.

Who were the Franks in general from the Diary of Anne Frank?

Her Family

Who is the author to Anne franks diary?

Stephanie Meyers.

What does anne Franks address the entries in her diary?


Anne Franks accomplishments besides her diary?

I think anne franks major accomplishments besides her diary were probabaly, hiding in the secret annexe so a long time!