If you were born in 1812, you would be 158 years old in 1870.
Born on 7th February 1812 Died on 9th June 1870 he was 58 years old
Alexander Herzen was born on April 6, 1812 and died on January 21, 1870. Alexander Herzen would have been 57 years old at the time of death or 203 years old today.
Charles Old Goodford was born in 1812.
Charles Dickens lived from 1812 to 1870, making him 58 years old at the time of his death.
He was born in 1843, so he would have been 27 on his birthday on the 29th of January 1870.
Dickens died on the 9th June 1870 because of a stroke. He was 58years old.
She died at the age of 24. She was born in 1788 and dies 1812.
When you were 68 in 1870 you neededee no excuse for dying, simply call it old age.
No, He was born in 1807 so he was a young boy during the War of 1812.
1948 In the film Winnie's grave stone reads 1899-1999.
Charles Dickens was 24 years old when he wrote his first novel, "The Pickwick Papers," which was published in 1836.