Culturally, Jane Yolen is Jewish. She is not a practicing Jew.
Jane Yolen's birth name is Jane Hyatt Yolen.
Jane yolen write because she loves it.that's what she does everday write. thanks Jane yolen
Jane Yolen has one younger brother, Steven Yolen who lives in Brazil.
Jane Yolen was born on February 11, 1939.
Jane Yolen was born on February 11, 1939.
As of August 2012, Jane Yolen is alive and well.
No. Jane Yolen's family came to America before the Holocaust.
Steve Yolen. He lives in Brazil.
Jane Yolen is 72 years old (birthdate: February 11, 1939).
Jane Yolen's husband is named David Stemple.
The setting of Jane Yolen's "The Devil's Arithmetic" is a present-day Jewish girl, Hannah, who is transported back in time to a Polish Jewish village during the Holocaust. Through this time-travel experience, Hannah gains a deeper understanding of her heritage and the horrors of the Holocaust.