Yes, in fact he is writing one right now.
His latest published piece is due out in early November this year.
Yes, Stephen King is alive. He was born on September 21, 1947, and continues to write and publish books to this day.
Stephen King is alive.
Stephen King is alive and kicking and still writing books.
Um, yeah.
Stephen King is alive. He continues to write and publish books, with his latest work released in 2021.
1947 to present. He is still alive and still writing.
He's still alive
Stephen King was never killed, he is still alive and is 62 year old. In your question, you only put 'stephen' and not 'Stephen King' so you may be thinking of another Stephen so try typing your question differently and maybe you will get a better answer :)
I believe the term is "alive" and yes, he is 63 years old and still writing.
He is still alive. Born 21-Sep-1947, he is currently 62.
Never heard of "Stephan", but if you mean the popular author, StephEn King, he is very much alive at 65. (3-16-13)
Yes, Stephen King is right-handed.