No, because this is for your personal safety!
No, it isn't. Being too permissive shows not only a lack of trust, but also a lack of respect for the other person's personal space.
okay vv but i do not know okay i an from india
Im Not Okay. All of there songs are amazing. But I'm Not Okay is my personal fav.
i dont know ookay i dont do peoples homework no you try okay thanks
press space okay. Its simple
okay kid i was going to do some work but I'm glad it cancelled, the emperors were conquering peoples to have a better empire and a fowerful empire.
okay seriously.... you asked this question.... TO CUT AND STYLE PEOPLES HAIR!!! What Is This World Coming To??
This is an opinion really, my opinion would be yes, it is okay.
its OK or okay How you spell it is a matter of personal taste. Okay is just a longer spelling-out of OK and makes it look more like, well, a word, since is has no more meaning to us as an abbreviation and therefore makes no sense to be capitalized thus.
Not if supporting your thesis statement was part of the assignment.
Okay,a rock cant be a rock if its not a rock!! i mean common scence!! peoples get with it!! r u stupid or something!!