Yes, pastor Gilbert Patterson's widow, Louise Patterson, passed away in 2018.
same as alive
I would say here age is 65.
No,Amy Tan'shusband, Lou DeMattei, is still alive.
A simile
Rachel Robinson was born on July 19, 1922. She is the widow of the famous baseball player, Jackie Robinson.
No, Coretta Scott is no longer alive. She passed away on January 30, 2006. Coretta was the widow of Martin Luther King Jr.
Not known. She is 75 if still alive and Francis Vere Ryan sends his very best wishes to her from his grave
No, his widow Kay Williams died shortly before the birth of their granddaughter in the mid 1980's.
As Cities Burn - The Widow.
No. The widow of baseball great Jackie Robinson is alive and living in Connecticut. She will observe her 95th birthday on July 19, 2017.
It is a widow (female).