The story in "Angels and Demons" is a work of fiction written by Dan Brown. CERN (European Organization for Nuclear Research) is a real organization located in Switzerland that conducts particle physics research, including the famous Large Hadron Collider (LHC). However, the events portrayed in the book are fictional and not based on real occurrences at CERN.
Dan Brown
"Angels and Demons" by Dan Brown has a total word count of approximately 138,000 words.
Dan Brown
The Lost symbol is Dan brown's newest novel which is a bestselling sequel of The Da Vinci Code and Angels and Demons written by Dan Brown.
Yes, the movie, "Angels and Demons" comes out in theaters on May, 15th, 2009.
"Angels & Demons" was the first novel in Dan Brown's Robert Langdon series, published in 2000, while "The Da Vinci Code" was the second novel in the series, published in 2003.
The Da Vinci Code Angels & Demons Deception Point Digital Fortress * The Secret Symbol ---- Actually there are now 5 , Digital Fortress, the Da Vinci Code, Angels and Demons, Deception Point and his latest novel that was release September 15 is The Secret Symbol. ---
"Angels & Demons" is considered a prequel to "The Da Vinci Code." Both are part of the Robert Langdon series by author Dan Brown, with "Angels & Demons" being the first book in the series that introduces the character of Robert Langdon.
Dan Brown - a must read book by a famous author
Angels and Demons
The DaVinci Code, Angels and Demons, the Lost Symbol.
The Angels and Demons statue is a fictional creation from the Dan Brown novel "Angels & Demons" and its film adaptation. It does not exist in real life.