"Boyfriend" by R.L. Stine is a short story from his "Nightmare Hour" book collection, not a movie. It is a Horror story about a girl who receives an eerie gift—a ventriloquist dummy called Boyfriend—that starts controlling her life.
RL Stine's mother's name was Anne Feinstein.
RL Stine drives a Tesla Model S.
In "The Boyfriend" by RL Stine, some key objects include a cursed necklace that brings bad luck to its wearer, a mysterious gift box from a deceased ex-boyfriend, and a creepy doll that seems to move on its own. These objects play a significant role in the suspenseful and chilling events that unfold in the story.
Deven Stine
RL sine had no Sisters
RL Stine was born to Lewis Stine who was a shipping clerk and Anne Stine. He was born on October 8, 1943 in Columbus Ohio.
R.L. Stine's full name is Robert Lawrence Stine.
R.L. Stine, the author of the "Goosebumps" series, has a brother named Bill.
you can go to google and type in ''pictures of rl stine'' and go on the first icon that shows up
Stine married Jane Waldhorn in 1969.