The main characters in "Sticks and Stones" are Emily, the protagonist who is dealing with the aftermath of being bullied, and the mysterious new girl, Nikki, who helps her navigate through the challenges she faces. Other significant characters include Emily's friends Meg and Wes, as well as the bullies and teachers at their school.
Fire emblem sacred stones is the game after blazing sword on GBA. The main characters are Eirika and Epharim.
You get all the characters in fire emblem scared stones gba by looking at the list of characters.
The word that most commonly pairs with "sticks" is "stones," to form the phrase "sticks and stones."
Sticks 'n' Stones was created on 2009-06-29.
Sticks and Stones - 2014 was released on: USA: March 2014
Sticks and Stones - 2005 II was released on: USA: May 2005
Sticks and Stones - 1970 is rated/received certificates of: Canada:16+ (Quebec)
Sticks and Stones - 2008 I is rated/received certificates of: Australia:G (DVD rating)
Sticks and stones; sticks and pricks. (The latter isn't as common.)
The main characters in "The Double Deckers" TV show are Tiger, Brains, Scooper, Doughnut, Sticks, Spring and Billie.
Sticks and stones