When Shelley said "We are all Greeks," he is expressing his buy-in to the then current belief that European culture could trace its roots back to the Greek ideals and customs. This would include everything: architecture, education, medicine, our basic myths and memes, government. medicine, etc. Whether the Greeks were all that good is questionable, but in the 19th century there was a push to put a traditional spin on everything and linking "modern" European culture back to the misty dawn of civilization was seen as good thing.
When Percy Bysshe Shelley said "we are all Greeks," he meant that there is a universal connection and shared identity among all people in terms of experiencing emotions, beauty, and the pursuit of knowledge. He believed that the ideals and values of ancient Greek culture were relevant and applicable to all individuals regardless of their background or nationality.
She meant that we get the bases of our government from the same bases of the Greek government.I hate to break this to you folks but Percy Blythe Shelley was a MAN. Shelley meant that Greek culture formed the basis for all art, thought, government, etc. Most things in our culture were stolen from Greece (in some instance through Rome)--Just correcting a typo: Percy Bysshe Shelley.
the Greeks.
Greeks call themselves "Ellines", which is commonly translated into English as "Hellenes".
no of course not
No, the ancient Greeks did not speak English.
Actually, it is pretty much the opposite. Some English words come from Greek. Or, if what you are looking for is about people, then again it is the opposite. If English and Greeks are related at all, then English would come from Greek, not the other way around.
The Greeks launched a war of independence in order to liberate themselves from Ottoman Occupation in 1821. The Romantic movement in UK and France led to the armies of those countries buttressing the Greeks in their independence war. After their victory in 1827, the Greeks began to fight the Ottomans for more territory for Greece.
Yes, many Greeks do speak english, although their official language is Greek.
"Ellinas" (Έλληνες) is the Greek word for "Greeks".
the English didn't copy the Greeks i prefer the Greeks copy the English then the Latin copped but more often William Shakespeare's is the most famous English plays maker so that's how plays and theater started
They speak Greek.