Chanson de l'heure qu'il est (by Jean-Luc MOREAU)
Song of What-Time-Is-It
- Monsieur, Monsieur, s'il vous plaît,
Dites-nous quelle heure il est !
Mister, Mister, please,
Tell us what time it is!
- Il est ma petite fille
L'heure où l'escargot s'habille ;
Il est, mon petit garçon
L'heure où sort le limaçon,
it is my little girl,
time when the snail dresses up;
it is my little boy,
time when the sluglet goes out,
L'heure étrange et solennelle
Où chantent les coccinelles
the strange and solemn hour
where the ladybugs are singing
Où la puce et ses enfants
Vont dîner chez l'éléphant ;
when the flea and her children,
are going to eat at the elephant's
Il est l'heure où la panthère
Épouse un coléoptère,
it is the hour when the panthera
marries a coleoptera,
L'heure où tout peut arriver...
Où je dors... où vous rêvez...
the hour when everything can happen...
when I sleep... when you dream...
The author of the French poem "Chanson de l'heure qu'il est" is François Villon, a medieval poet and troublemaker known for his colorful life and evocative poetry. The poem reflects on the passing of time and the fleeting nature of life, with themes of mortality and reflection on the human condition.
La Chanson de Roland is a medieval epic poem that tells the story of the battle of Roncevaux Pass in 778. It is one of the oldest surviving works of French literature and is considered a cornerstone of the chivalric genre. The poem features themes of bravery, loyalty, and betrayal.
chanson de geste
Chanson de geste is a type of medieval French epic poem that typically recounts heroic deeds and battles. These poems were often sung or recited and covered themes of chivalry, honor, and divine intervention. They were popular in France during the Middle Ages.
The epic poem of France is called "The Song of Roland" (La Chanson de Roland). It is one of the earliest and most famous works of French literature, dating back to the 11th century. The poem recounts the heroic deeds of Charlemagne's knight Roland during the Battle of Roncevaux Pass.
"La Chanson de Roland" is an epic poem written in the 12th century, using the form of French that was spoken in England at the period. It is the first of its genre, and depicts a battle between the army of Charlemagne, king of the French early 9th century, and Pays Basque (which is nowadays on either parts of the Pyrennées, the natural border between France and Spain). It is said to be the battle where Charlemagne's nephew, Roland, lost his life in the valley of Ronceveaux.
The French Revolution - poem - was created in 1791.
I believe the author of this poem is unknown. Beautiful poem though!
"La chanson de Roland" (The Song of Roland) is an epic poem from the Middle Ages describing a battle during Charlemagne time.
THIS poem talks about nature the author usesrepetition and traditional poem. the tone of the poem issentimentalbut in the last line the author changes the tone Oof the poem to sily and the author dont like being sentimental.
Answer it!
The author of the poem Lion is Hilaire Belloc.
Anonymous Poem