Louis braille was famous for the braille which was a series of dots that represent words and letters made specifically for the blind
Well Louis Braille invented Braille, a way for blind people to read and write, which is still used today.
Louis braille and Louis Pasteur.
He invented a system of reading and writing for the blind called braille.
Louis is famouse for inventing a reading system for the blind ("Braille") consisting of dots and dashes.
Louis proved that if you have the motivation, you can do incredible things
yes he is he made up the braille language!
Louis Braille's main achievement was the invention of the Braille system for the visually impaired. This invention revolutionized access to written communication for blind individuals, allowing them to read and write independently. The Braille system is still widely used today as a vital tool for the visually impaired.
Louis Braille did not have any children. He was unmarried, as his life was dedicated to developing the Braille writing system for people who are visually impaired.
Creating writing for blind people so they could read.
Louis braille
louis braille was very shy and quiet.