No, he has said that it's whats on the inside that counts!
Personally, I like to choose friends who care more about who I am, rather than what I have, what I look like, or whats in my pants. And its a pretty tough thing find nowadays for me. But I am grateful for the friends that I do have.
You crack me up! You want to look tough from that? It's not about your hair! *Rolls eyes*
whats aquadrangle
look it up in the index of your social studies book.:) whats a important fact anout vasco eda gama
The mayflower was big and it was tough
It made them look tough.
you look at the recipe.
some people just whats to look crazy or just whats to be crazy with faishon
not recommended & whats under the vinyl is more important than trhe vinyl.. have a pro look at it & give you a quote, you can always do it yourself if you donmt like the quote...
There is no easy way of tackling a topic you find tough. If there was an easy way it would not be tough. The best that can be suggested is to be determined and look for other approaches to it.