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i think his traits are poetic and creative because since he wrote the star spangled banner he can write almost anything as poetry.

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Francis Scott Key is known to have been patriotic, devoted to his faith, and committed to the ideals of liberty and justice. He was also described as a man of strong convictions and moral integrity.

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Q: What areFrancis Scott key's personality traits?
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Dr William Beans

What was francis Scott keys favorite thing to do?

Write poems

Who said the land of the free and the home of the brave?

Francis Scott Keys wrote it in the the national anthem

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69 will u marry me

Who is franics Scott keys?

Francis Scott Key wrote the words of the U.S. National Anthem, The Star Spangled Banner.

Where is Scott F Keys camp ground in Fallout 3?

It is near Dunwich Office building ( lower left corner of your map). When going to Scott F Keys campground keep in mind of this: it is a deathclaw hangout.

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Ann Arnold Phoebe Chalrton Key