David Crystal is a prominent linguist known for advocating the importance of studying language in detail, including its history, variations, and uses in society. He emphasizes the dynamic nature of language and its role as a fundamental aspect of human communication and culture. Crystal also argues for the value of preserving and promoting linguistic diversity to better understand the world's rich tapestry of languages.
to give the details or arguments that support the main idea
the six main crystals are: cubic hexagonal orthcrhombic(?) monoclinic, tetragonal trilinic
The main arguments explained how people wanted Independence and Republic from Great Britain.
you get mad at someone and start fighting?!
To give the details or arguments, that supports the main idea. to persuade
(Apex) To establish the main points of the argument.
it introduces the main points and arguments of the points and tells you more aboust it
they wanted life liberty and the pursuit of happiness
Aluminum, crystals of aluminum oxide.
Hydroxyapatite crystals are made of calcium and phosphate ions. These crystals are the main mineral component of human bones and teeth, providing strength and rigidity to these structures.
If you have the function main()... You can use its arguments to pass information.