Haki za wagonjwa, patients' rights, or Orodha ya haki za wagonjwa, a list of patients' rights.
Patients have every right to their health care record.
To the Contrary - 1992 Patients' Bill of Rights 10-21 was released on: USA: 10 August 2001
As part of the Medicare Patient Bill of Rights, Medicare patients have the right to be treated fairly with courtesy and ________________________
NPP - Notice of Privacy Practices
They would be more aware if they actually took the time to read the hospital's mission statement and to read the responsibilities their hospital has to patients and their families/caregivers.
There is a such thing called: privacy rights for patients. Due to the HIPPA ACT, it's now-- not only doctors but also the whole clinical staff that could legally be at fault and fined for breaking patients rights to privacy agreement.
What is their probable cause to search, and... where is their warrant? More importantly, were you given the right to refuse "treatment" in your patients "Bill of Rights"? Most "Bill of Rights" forbid retaliation for exercising your rights!
Possible rights of mental health patients may include the right to informed consent, confidentiality of their medical information, access to appropriate treatment, and protection from discrimination based on their mental health condition. These rights are designed to ensure that patients receive quality care and are treated with respect and dignity.
Answer It depends from country to country This is only PART of the answer, but an important part. Patients have a right to privacy, and this right is far more complex than meets the eye. Check HIPAA regulations.
Office for Civil Rights (OCR)