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Walt Whitman faced criticism for the explicit content in his poetry, as well as for his unconventional use of free verse. He also experienced financial struggles throughout his life, leading him to work various jobs to support himself. Additionally, Whitman faced personal challenges, such as coping with the deaths of family members and lovers.

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What are some of Walt Whitman's poems?

Some of Walt Whitman's poems are " Aboard the Ship's Helm" "When Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Bloomed" "Leaves of Grass"

What are Walt Whitman's famous works?

Some of Walt Whitman's famous works include "Leaves of Grass," "Song of Myself," "O Captain! My Captain!," and "When Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Bloom'd." Whitman is known for his exploration of themes like democracy, individuality, and the beauty of nature in his poetry.

How old is Walt Whitman?

Walt Whitman was born on May 31, 1819 and died on March 26, 1892. Walt Whitman would have been 72 years old at the time of death or 196 years old today.

What were some of the works of Walt Whitman?

American poet Walt Whitman, born in 1819, was best known for his collection of poetry "Leaves of Grass" which included "Song of Myself" and "Sing the Body Electric". Whitman's "Oh Captain, My Captain" has gained popularity due to the movie "Dead Poet's Society".

What are the main themes in Walt Whitman's poems?

Some of the main themes in Walt Whitman's poems include the celebration of nature, the connection between humanity and the universe, the beauty of individuality, and the exploration of the human experience and emotions. Whitman also often explores themes of democracy, equality, and freedom in his poetry.

What lie did Walt Whitman tell?

There is no definitive evidence of a specific lie that Walt Whitman told. However, like all individuals, it is possible that he may have engaged in deception or embellishment at some point in his life. Whitman was known for his poetry and advocacy work, and his personal life included complexities and contradictions.

Whitman's poetry included which elements?

Some of the elements in Walt Whitman's poetry include alliteration, imagery, and metaphors. His book "Leaves of Grass" contains a collection of his work.

Why was the sale of Walt Whitman's 1st poem unsuccessful?

The sale of Walt Whitman's first poem may have been unsuccessful due to lack of visibility, competition from established poets at the time, or simply because it did not resonate with potential buyers. Whitman's unique style and unconventional themes may have also deterred some traditional buyers.

Where can you find an analysis on Walt Whitman's poem we two how long we were fool'd?

You can find analyses of Walt Whitman's poem "We Two, How Long We Were Fool'd" in scholarly journals, literary magazines, and academic websites. Resources such as JSTOR, Project MUSE, and the Walt Whitman Archive are good places to start looking for in-depth analyses of the poem. Additionally, some university libraries may have critical essays or books on Whitman's poetry that include discussions of this particular poem.

Why do some people hate Walt Whitman' s poems?

Some people may dislike Walt Whitman's poems due to their unconventional style, explicit language, or themes of sensuality and individualism. Additionally, some readers may find his poetic exploration of complex emotions and ideas challenging, leading to a strong response either positively or negatively.

The romantic poetry of Walt Whitman was characterized by unusual punctuation and irregular stanzas as well as some elements especially associated with whitman namely-?

Clinical reports it appears that the unusual elements in the work of such poets.

Did Walt Whitman ever live in New Jersey?

Yes, Walt Whitman did live in New Jersey. He spent the last two decades of his life in Camden, New Jersey, where he wrote some of his most famous works and continued his work as a poet and journalist.