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Benedict founded the monastery at Monte Cassino, where he wrote the Rule of his order. This Rule became the basis for monasticism in the Western World. He is often called the Father of Western Monasticism.

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10mo ago

The Benedictines are most known for their monastic way of life based on the Rule of St. Benedict, emphasizing prayer, work, community living, and hospitality. They are also known for their contributions to education, scholarship, and preserving ancient texts.

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9y ago

St. Benedict was canonized in the year 1220 by Pope Honorius III.

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9y ago

Benedict is best known for his 'Rule' which he wrote to govern how monasteries were to be run. It became the basis for Western Monasticism.

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4y ago

founding a new monastic community and set of guidelines

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What was the largest group of monks in Europe in the early Middle Ages?

For many hundreds of years the only group of monks across Europe were the Benedictines, who followed the Rule of St Benedict (written in the 6th century AD). They were always the most numerous group.Other Orders of monks were established with different views of what the Rule meant and how it should be interpreted - the Cistercians were formed in 1098, the Cluniacs in the early 10th century, the Carthusians (or Charterhouse order) in 1084. In most parts of Europe, the Benedictines remained the major monastic order throughout medieval times.The Benedictines were generally much more easy-going, considerate, rational and reasonable in their interpretation of the Rule of St Benedict: there was no mention in the Rule of monks wearing beards, for example, so the Benedictines took the view that beards were not banned. The Cistercian view was that if a certain thing was not mentioned, it was automatically banned.

Was Saint Benedict a monk?

Yes, Saint Benedict was a monk. He is known for establishing the Benedictine Order and writing the Rule of Saint Benedict, which became a guide for monastic living in the Western Christian tradition.

What did monks in the middle ages eat for breakfast?

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