Viktor Lowenfeld is considered the pioneer in regards to the importance of art education therapy, you can still read his writings on the subject which are available for free online.
Viktor Lowenfeld was an Austrian-born art educator known for his contributions to the field of art therapy and art education. He advocated for the importance of creative expression in psychological development and worked with children with special needs. Lowenfeld's book "Creative and Mental Growth" is considered a seminal text in the field of art education.
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Viktor Babushkin's birth name is Viktor Borisovich Babushkin.
i really need to know what were some highlights to Hatsheput's life!
being born and dying
Viktor Kronbauer has written: 'Viktor Kronbauer'
Viktor Pipal has written: 'Viktor Pipal'
Viktor Toppers's birth name is Viktor Topinka.
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viktor Frankenstein written by Mary Shelley