That page is called the "title page". It usually includes information such as the title of the book, author's name, publisher, and publication year.
title page
what is a title page?
The first page in a book is called the "title page." New Answer: The flyleaf.
page 2 or page 3
The book she rips a page out is The Merchant Of Venice by William Shakespeare.
You should write about your self, like when you where born, where you where born, Why you wrote the book you wrote, what ideas helped you to write your book, why did you write your book, etc. It should also be about who you are and somethings you do.
a book review should be include the summary , your views and other information about the book in the front page the book's name and author's name and the name of the person who is writing it should be mentioned. The next page should display the coverpage of your book. then in the next page write the name of the book ,author's name, publisher's name, copyright, ISBN code. in the next page write the summary in 150 words then write your likes and dislikes about the book you can also include pictures of the book. your book review is complete.
You write to the publisher. The information is on the first page of the book, along with an address.
You would have to scan every page. If I was you I would type the book then it it on the Internet
Yes, Jimmy Page co-wrote a book titled "Jimmy Page by Jimmy Page," which is an autobiography featuring his own words and photographs from throughout his career as a musician and iconic guitarist of Led Zeppelin.
page a day = 200 days! This question can be rephrased - how long is a piece of string?
Contact the publisher. Their information is on the first page of the book a long with an address.