Foucault's pendulum demonstrated the rotation of the Earth. As the pendulum swings, it gradually changes direction due to the Earth's rotation, providing visual evidence of the planet's movement. This experiment helped to confirm the Earth's rotation and sparked interest in exploring its effects on different physical phenomena.
they talk or demostrate
kilograms per litre.
demostrate, exhibit, present
u tell mehhh!!!!!!!!!!!
It was not in a book by Foucault but is called Anti-Oedipus.
Ways a hypothesis can be supported is with pictures, explanations, or demostrate on the spot
To demostrate how modern robots can move around without loosing balance
The trust challenge is to develop techniques that demostrate that ,the software can be trusted by its user
Newton was the first to demonstrate that white light was composed of colored lights.
Wafting for safety refers to taking an open hand and moving the arm in a circular manner.