they brought news from the outside world to them, brought them food and other supplies, and helped keep them hidden.
Miep Gies and Jan Gies helped hide Anne Frank and her family in a secret annex in Amsterdam during the Holocaust. They provided them with food, supplies, and emotional support, risking their lives to keep them safe from the Nazis. After the Franks were discovered and deported, Miep saved Anne's diary and returned it to her father after the war.
They were good people and they helped the frank all the way.
Miep and Mr. Kraler helped the Franks and the Van Daans because they were moved by their plight and wanted to assist those in hiding from the Nazis. They took great risks to provide food, supplies, and support to the families in hiding in the secret annex.
Otto Frank's four employees: Miep Gies, Johannes Kleiman, Victor Kugler and Bep Voskuijl (Miep Gies, Jo Koophuis, Victor Kraler, and Elli Vossen)
If you are referring to Miep Gies and Victor Kugler (Mr. Kraler), they were Dutch citizens who helped hide Anne Frank and her family during World War II. They provided them with food, supplies, and emotional support while they were in hiding. After the Frank family was discovered and arrested, Miep and Mr. Kraler continued to help Anne's father, Otto Frank, by preserving Anne's diary and trying to support him after the war.
they were buisness associates(:
miep gies
Miep Gies
Family friend Meip Gies hid the franks
miep gies. i think
Otto Franks assistant.
her name is miep and she is one of the people who helped the franks
At the end of the day