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10mo ago

Peter said he would rather stick his head in a fire than take money from Fudge.

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Q: What did peter say he would rather than take money from fudge?
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Related questions

If someone made a fudge mix and put it in a muffin tin would it be as good as fudge muffins?

You'll have fudge in a muffin tin, it won't be a fudge muffin.

Where can i buy fudge?

You can buy really good fudge in Frankfort Michigan! If you like fudge you would become an all around fudgie there!

What type of food is sludge fudge?

I don't know what 'sludge fudge' is but it sounds like chocolate fudge and if it is, then it would would be a sweet food, or candy, or dessert, what ever you prefer.

How would you describe Peter Hatcher from the book double fudge?

in the novel "double fudge" Peter hatcher is a fine young gentlemen beginning his very first year of seventh grade. he is deliberatly shy, having only one friend. he is more of a critisizing person keeping his negatives thoughts to himself. in general Peter hatcher is often annoyed by his little brother Fudge and is ambarassed of the missfotune of events he lives threw in the presences of his brother. Peter is nice not very understanding polite and not selfcentered the book does not really describe his physical apearance although on the cover of the novel Peter has Orange hair red eyes frekles and a very wide face.

Need a sentence with the word fudge in it?

Yes, thank you, I would like to have a piece of that fudge.

What the fudge in Japanese?

Well since fudge is a foreign word in Japanese, the closest word to fudge is fajji. so "what the fudge" in Japanese would be "fajji nandesu ka?" To pronounce is: fa-g-nahn dess kah. Hope that helped!

What would travelers rather have on their pillow than a chocolate?

money! lol

Would you rather make money or better the business?

Better business. With a better business money will follow.

How would describe double fudge the book?


Can 20 people be served 2 pounds of fudge?

it depends how much fudge does a person want to eat?

Did consumers of Peter Pan Peanut butter get a refund of some sort after purchasing Peter Pan Peanut Butter?

Yes, they did. I worked at a grocery store at that time. They would return them to us and we would give them their money back. We would return it to the supplier and they would give us our money back, and so on.

Would fudge be a good guinea pig name?
