"Holler nuff" in Tom Sawyer means "to give up or admit defeat." It is a colloquial way of saying that one has had enough or cannot handle something anymore. Tom uses this phrase when trying to get others to give up in a game or challenge.
Tom Sawyer's middle name is "Sawyer."
In "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer," dander is slang for anger. When Aunt Polly gets in a dander, it means she is getting angry or upset.
Tom Sawyer pretended to be reluctant.
Tom Sawyer is shot in Chapter 32 of Mark Twain's novel "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer."
Tom Sawyer was sick with the measles for most of the summer in the book "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer."
tom sawyer
Tom Sawyer is performed by Rush
HuckleBerry Finn.
Tom Sawyer told his aunt that he was Sid, his half-brother.
he smokes and has no life