Vishkanya is a Hindi novel written by Hari Shankar Parsai, an Indian author known for his satirical and humorous writing style. The novel revolves around the life of a young woman named Vishkanya who is considered poisonous due to her mysterious background.
Ethna Mckiernan is an author known for her literary works in fiction and short stories. Some of her notable works include "The Sea Cutters" and "The Field of Blood." Her writing often revolves around themes of Irish culture and rural life.
The main idea in a piece of writing is the central point or message the author is trying to convey. It is the primary focus around which the rest of the content revolves. For example, in a story about the importance of friendship, the main idea might be that relationships are vital for happiness and support.
The author of the story "The Quarrel" is Eleanor Farjeon. The story revolves around a quarrel between Tom and Tim and the consequences of their actions.
James Lorimer Keirstead is a Canadian author known for writing mysteries, thrillers, and crime fiction. Some of his popular books include "Death by Misadventure" and "Stalemate." His work often revolves around complex characters and intricate plots.
Fumio Ota is known for writing the mystery novel "The Whisperer" which revolves around a detective investigating a series of murders. The novel is well-received for its engaging plot and intricate narrative.
3rd person like every other Harry Potter book. It is 3rd person but revolves around Harry only.
M. L. Woelm is the author of the "Soul Jumper" series, which revolves around the adventures of a young girl who discovers she has the ability to jump into other people's bodies and lives. Woelm's writing is known for its mix of science fiction, fantasy, and coming-of-age themes.
The author of the short story "Lagya Kudarat" is Faiz Ahmed Faiz, a renowned Pakistani poet and writer. The story revolves around themes of social justice, political oppression, and the resilience of the human spirit.
Rex Dolphin is the author of the "Murder on the Last Frontier" series, which revolves around a detective solving crimes in Alaska. The series has garnered praise for its atmospheric setting and engaging plotlines.
A writing technique is a style of writing an author decides to use to communicate with the reader. For example, an author could have a writing style of communicating with the reader as if having a conversation.