A. W. Futrell is an American author known for writing military history books. He is most well-known for his books on World War II aviation and the Pacific Theater, such as "The United States Air Force in Korea, 1950-1953." Futrell's writing focuses on documenting and analyzing military actions and strategies from a historical perspective.
John Carroll Futrell has written: 'Communal discernment' -- subject(s): Discernment of spirits, Experience (Religion) 'The spirituality of authority' -- subject(s): Authority, Church, Religious Superiors
W. W. Capes has written: 'Stoicism'
W. Gies has written: 'W. Gies'
Mike Futrell was born in 1960.
W. A. Jarrel has written: '\\'
W. W. W. Bowie has written: 'An address delivered'
W. W. MILLER has written: 'The dark secret'
W. W. Duley has written: 'Co2 Lasers'
W W. umbreit has written: 'manometric techniques'
W. Lehmann has written: 'Larynx'
W. Goldsmith has written: 'Impact'
W. Hagemann has written: 'Textilwirtschaft'