Alexandra Jones has written:
'Mandalay' -- subject(s): History, Fiction
'Face to the sun'
Laura Forchetti has written: 'Cartas a la mosca'
Cesare Mosca has written: 'Quid agendum nella legge sugli scioperi' -- subject(s): Law and legislation, Strikes and lockouts
Antonio Erba has written: 'Quando a Mosca fioriscono i Lilla'
Mario Mosca has written: 'C'era una volta la classe operaia' -- subject(s): Employment, Interviews, Women, Working class women
Giorgio Richetti has written: 'Il teatro Habimah da Mosca a Tel-Aviv'
Hamilton Alves has written: 'Tres [sic] cisnes de vidro' 'A mosca azul'
Piero Zattoni has written: 'Le ultime crociate' -- subject(s): Crusades 'Roma Mosca'
Aurora Egidio has written: 'Aleksandr Tairov e il Kamernyj teatr di Mosca, 1907-1922'
M. Corvaja has written: 'La battaglia de Mosca' -- subject(s): Moscow, Battle of, Moscow, Russia, 1941-1942
Lansana Usman Sesay has written: 'A case study of the elite theses of Mosca and Pareto with reference to Sierra Leone (West Africa)'
Luigi Chiodini has written: 'Roma o Mosca' -- subject(s): Foreign Participation, History, Italian, Spain Civil War, 1936-1939
Luigi Mosca has written: 'L'impresario burlato' -- subject(s): Ballets, Librettos, Operas, Scenarios 'Li sposi in cimento' -- subject(s): Librettos, Operas 'La sposa a sorte' -- subject(s): Librettos, Operas 'L'amore per inganno' -- subject(s): Librettos, Operas