Ana Maria Clark Peres has written:
'O infantil na literatura' -- subject(s): Children in literature, Literature, Psychology
Ivan Peres has written: 'L' uomo in bianco'
Damiao Peres has written: 'Histo ria dos descobrimentos portugueses'
Damia o. Peres has written: 'Como nasceu Portugal'
Asher Peres has written: 'Quantum theory' -- subject(s): Quantum theory, Mathematics, Methodology
Phyllis Peres has written: 'Transculturation and resistance in Lusophone African narrative' -- subject(s): History and criticism, African fiction (Portuguese)
Wilson Peres has written: 'Foreign direct investment and industrial development in Mexico' -- subject(s): Case studies, Foreign Investments, Government policy, Industrial policy
Maruch Komes Peres has written: 'Ta jlok'ta chobtik ta k'u'il' -- subject(s): Biography, Texts, Tzotzil Indians, Tzotzil language, Tzotzil textile fabrics
Peres Fobes has written: 'A sermon preached January 7, 1789' 'The paradise of God opened to a penitent thief in answer to his dying prayer to a dying saviour, considered and improved in a sermon' -- subject(s): Execution sermons, Early works to 1800 'A sermon, delivered in the Baptist Meeting-House in Providence, July 31, A.D. 1791'
Karen Casanova Tanguma has written: 'Jose Peres Casanova' 'The Travieso family papers' -- subject(s): Emigration and immigration, Registers of births, Canary Islanders, Genealogy, History
Uzi Peres's birth name is Uziel Shlomo Peres.
Carlos A. Peres was born in 1963.
Vímara Peres died in 873.