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Arjen Miedema has written:

'Talks with Gabriel'

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Arnout Molenaar is a Dutch author known for writing various novels and books on history and travel, encompassing topics like the Dutch East India Company and explorers. He has also contributed to various historical publications and media outlets.

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Johan Meijer has written:

'A successful Council of Union'

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Henk Huisman has written:

'Planning for rural development' -- subject(s): Economic conditions, Rural development projects

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10y ago

Henk Draaisma has written:

'Van Flevo- tot IJselmeer' -- subject(s): Description and travel

'Van Flevo- tot IJselmeer' -- subject(s): Description and travel

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Henk van der Meyden has written:

'Dat kan toch niet waar zijn' -- subject(s): Biography, Entertainers

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Arnout Molenaar has written:

'Bakens verzetten' -- subject(s): Biography, Diplomats, Foreign relations

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G. J. Venema has written:

'Reading Scripture in the Old Testament'

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